Career Opportunities
Join our outstanding team to make a difference in the lives of Copper Country area students! We are now accepting applications for the following position(s):
Join our outstanding team to make a difference in the lives of Copper Country area students! We are now accepting applications for the following position(s):
If you are interested in receiving email updates, investing monetarily in the school, or assisting in committee work for the development of the proposed charter school, please email us at info@copperislandacademy.org or complete our Contribution form here:
Please send us a message or contact us directly with any questions, comments, or concerns. We look forward to speaking with you.
Ph: (906) 337-0443
52125 Industrial Dr. N.
Calumet, MI 49913
Nora Laho, EdD – Director
Jennifer Farmer – Principal
Copper Island Academy is an equal opportunity provider and employer.